Surya has emerged as an actor, who is highly popular not only in Tamil Nadu but also in Andhra Pradesh. Every since his Ghajini became blockbuster, his fan base has been increasing with his every release. As a result, his market in the state has grown by leaps and bounds and the distributors have also understood that he is sellable actor in AP. Now for his latest movie 7th Sense, a dubbed version of Tamil 7aam Arivu, he has got a record number of screens.
Shruti is the connecting link between two characters played by Suriya — Buddhist monk Bodhidharman in the 5th century and the contemporary character. Shruti is a young scientist. “Murugadoss always has strong characters for the women in his films. He narrated the story, briefed me about my character and told me that he wanted the girl to be look good and intelligent. I asked him ‘How do I look intelligent',” laughs Shruti, recalling her meeting with the ace director. “He told me to just go with the flow of the screenplay. It's a complex character with many layers. It's not your uni-dimensional bubbly heroine,” she adds. Her character has the task of explaining scientific terms to the audience in a simple manner.
According to traders, Surya is not facing any competition for his Diwali offering, 7th Sense. The forthcoming movie has got 400 screens, which is the second highest in terms of numbers after Rajinikanth's Robo, in Andhra Pradesh. In Nizam region alone, it is releasing with 150 plus screens that comprises 55 prints in Hyderabad. It is said that the actor and director AR Murgadoss' brand is working big time. Moreover, there are no big releases during Diwali, which has benefited the movie.
Despite being a dubbed film, so many expectations are riding on Suriya’s Diwali release 7th Sense. Interesting publicity material is raising the curiosity factor so much that the trade is expecting this film to take a rocking start at the box office.
The fact that this film is coming from the deadly duo Murugadoss and Suriya, who delivered Ghajini in the past, is adding to the craze and hype. Although the audio of this film is not popular as Ghajini was, 7th Sense does have the factors to grab the attention of audience.
Shruti Haasan is the female lead in this film. 7th Sense is going to release in highest number of theatres in Andhra Pradesh. Robo has the biggest opening record in AP for a dubbed film. Will 7th
Sense set a new record by surpassing it has to be seen.
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