Amid mounting criticism by TDP and BJP that the technical bids for the Rs 4,714-crore Polavaram Indirasagar Project were cornered by contractors allegedly close to Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K Chandrasekhar Rao, the TRS chief has written a letter to chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy urging the government to cancel the tenders forthwith and put a halt to the construction as advised by the Union government till the matter is adjudicated by the Supreme Court.
Polavaram: KCR tells CM to cancel all bids
Accusing former chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy of grounding the project works in great haste, Rao in his three-page letter on Sunday stated that he had been opposing the project right from the beginning itself. "The project was grounded in great haste by your predecessor, violating all laws of the land namely Environment Act 1986, Forest Act 1980, PESA Act 1996 and the Bachawat award. I requested the government to look for alternatives as the project was submerging extensive tracts of scheduled areas of AP, Orissa and Chhattisgarh, displacing 73,000 STs of which 60,770 are from the state," he observed.
Telangana Telugu Desam Forum has blamed the TRS president K. Chandrasekhar Rao for “dilution” of the movement for separate Statehood when it was at its peak.
Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, reminding the latter about his objections regarding Polavaram “right from the commencement of the project” and urged that construction should be halted as advised by the Centre till the Supreme Court took a decision on the matte
In a statement, Forum leader, Motkupalli Narasimhulu said Mr. Rao owed an apology to the people of Telangana for letting them down badly. While full credit goes to government employees of the region for selflessly continuing the strike for 42 long days, Mr. Rao would go down as a “traitor” of the movement. Unfortunately political leaders of the region could not match the employees' determination.
kcr fires to chandrababu naidu and kcr said that he was deposited in onely telengana chanel and news paper but he is not deposited own bussines babu has open markets and kcr demeand how to get lot of money from 2 yerkars land.kcr asked many questins to babu.kcr fire to chandrababu naidu and her MLAS.
By going to Delhi for lobbying for an irrigation project contract, the TRS chief did what former Chief Minister M. Channa Reddy did in the past. If the latter was responsible for the sacrifice of 400 people, the former is to be blamed for the loss of 600 students who had committed suicide.
Polavaram: KCR tells CM to cancel all bids
Accusing former chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy of grounding the project works in great haste, Rao in his three-page letter on Sunday stated that he had been opposing the project right from the beginning itself. "The project was grounded in great haste by your predecessor, violating all laws of the land namely Environment Act 1986, Forest Act 1980, PESA Act 1996 and the Bachawat award. I requested the government to look for alternatives as the project was submerging extensive tracts of scheduled areas of AP, Orissa and Chhattisgarh, displacing 73,000 STs of which 60,770 are from the state," he observed.
Telangana Telugu Desam Forum has blamed the TRS president K. Chandrasekhar Rao for “dilution” of the movement for separate Statehood when it was at its peak.
Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, reminding the latter about his objections regarding Polavaram “right from the commencement of the project” and urged that construction should be halted as advised by the Centre till the Supreme Court took a decision on the matte
In a statement, Forum leader, Motkupalli Narasimhulu said Mr. Rao owed an apology to the people of Telangana for letting them down badly. While full credit goes to government employees of the region for selflessly continuing the strike for 42 long days, Mr. Rao would go down as a “traitor” of the movement. Unfortunately political leaders of the region could not match the employees' determination.
kcr fires to chandrababu naidu and kcr said that he was deposited in onely telengana chanel and news paper but he is not deposited own bussines babu has open markets and kcr demeand how to get lot of money from 2 yerkars land.kcr asked many questins to babu.kcr fire to chandrababu naidu and her MLAS.
By going to Delhi for lobbying for an irrigation project contract, the TRS chief did what former Chief Minister M. Channa Reddy did in the past. If the latter was responsible for the sacrifice of 400 people, the former is to be blamed for the loss of 600 students who had committed suicide.
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